Summer, Kids, Chaos...It's All Good
Summer, Kids, Chaos…It’s All Good Summer is almost here. The kids will be out of school and if yours are like mine, they will come off the bus for the last time this year, already bored. What to do? I have a few fun ideas to keep the boredom at bay while trying to maintain everyone’s sanity. Going to the park can be fun as well as healthy. Be sure to bring scooters or skateboards, sunscreen and plenty of water. A first aid kit is always a good safety measure to fix up any minor boo-boos. Your children will love the outing. They will ride the scooters, wearing the appropriate padding and headgear, steering clear of hills and trees. They will let you apply sunscreen knowing it is healthy to avoid exposure to the harmful rays of the sun. They will drink the water to keep themselves hydrated as they take in the sights, sounds and various plant life. My children - they will find the steepest hill, apply the sunscreen to this hill, add the water to hydrate the sunscreen, and then ra...