Are You Ready to Share the Roads - Motorcycle Awareness
Winter weather here in Connecticut is giving up its hold on the cold and with warmer temperatures revving up, motorcycle enthusiasts are taking it to the streets. Now that the highways and back roads are busy with bikes and BMW’s, trucks and tractor-trailers learning to travel together sensibly is a positive step in ensuring the safety of all. Generally, motorists know to look for other cars on the roads, not motorcycles. To share the road safely drivers need to be watchful of motorcyclists. Research has shown that 75% of motorcycle fatalities have involved a passenger vehicle, and two out of every three of these fatalities were the fault of the driver in the other vehicle not that of the motorcyclist. What can you do to avoid being part of these statistics? Give the motorcyclist a full lane to ride in and allow the same room when passing as you would a car. Pay attention when making a left turn, at intersections and when changing lanes. Most crashes, about 42%, occur when th...