My Letter to St. Nicholas 2020
My Dearest St. Nicholas, It’s Christmas Eve and I know I’m writing to you a little late but, my words are hard to find this year. My thoughts are scattered and scrambled. Much like how this year has been, I find it difficult to weave my words into a beautiful tapestry or paint a pretty landscape that wraps us in the comforts we once shared; blessed with family and food, laughter and loving embraces. Santa, if you would remind me, perhaps nudge me gently, to look a little harder and to dig a bit deeper to uncover the joy. I know it’s there but, my eyes sometimes tear up and lose focus and my arms are tired. They’re tired from trying to carry the weight this year has dumped on the world. The uncertainty so many are facing hurts my heart and I wonder...are there enough prayers being said? Is it time to shout them loudly or, continue to kneel and whisper with my head boughed and my heart believing in the power of their words? As I sit, once again in the glow of soft light ...