The Harvester

Tear stained parchment, my pen hard pressed
Longing to engage
With callous judgment, my pain is forced
Scrawled upon a page

What echoed? Only ramblings
Unforgiving to my muse
Obliteration or creation
What passage shall I choose?

While inspiration eluded insight
Dark reaper took its hold
Leaving only emptiness
From where my thoughts it stole

Knowledge caged in prison walls
It taunted mind's contention
Gallows looming, tethered and trite
Weary from dissension.

My passion placed in tightened noose
I braced for broken spirit
Cast into disparity
I feared, lest not submit

My vision lured into dark depths
To execute its pledge,
The void, it stared back into me
When fate stalled at its edge

Of Harvester, you wish to know
How death befell its rage?
Persistently, I chose my path
Now scripted on this page

Though content, I am, this moment's time
Freed from lowly troll
I often sense its haunting ghost
Consorting with my soul

So, should you read upon my stone
Merely name and date
Sheer absence speaks of idleness
which was my ardor's fate


  1. i didnt really get this one but i think its cool! hahahaha


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