The World Lost a Beautiful Woman

This week the world lost a beautiful woman, a sister, and a daughter. Two children lost their mother. A husband lost his wife. And the families and friends of Karen Houle will mourn, her life taken so unexpectedly.

A sudden devastating loss will break the dam and flood us with emotions that we have no idea where they came from, or why, now, we are experiencing them.

We will all grieve in different ways, and that is normal and healthy. In order to get past things, we have to travel through them. We will cry, we will feel anger, sadness…and in many ways we will each feel a touch of guilt. ‘Guilt’s’ cunning and manipulative finger will tap our shoulder and want our attention.

Know that it is ok to forgive yourself. Forgiveness means moving forward and Karen would want nothing less from anyone.

To hoard unhealthy thoughts and emotions in the heart can make a mess. That which is not helpful, needs to be recognized, sorted out, and then, eventually, put to rest. Sadly, we are not able to go back and change time. We can only make it different, now.

I will hug my children tighter; I will tell my friends and my family that I love them. I will be more patient and listen better. Instead of not finding ‘time’; I will make the ‘time’.

When you close your eyes, picture Karen’s smile and hear her laughter (a laugh that was always there) and know that it is ok to move forward through the grief.

Karen is loved, she will be missed, but she will not, ever, be forgotten.


  1. Karen Houle is a person you never thought will be the person she is right now. Indeed we lost a special woman but I hope that her deeds will remain to each of out hearts.

    1. I still think of Karen often, miss her quick-to-come smile, and how we used to laugh together at some of the silly things our children use to do. Thank you for reading this and keeping her in your thoughts, as so many of us do.


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