Begin New Traditions

Oh, the controversy…should retail establishments open for business on Thanksgiving Day?

Traditionally this is a holiday when time is spent with family and friends. We give thanks for what we have. Turkeys are roasted, potatoes are mashed, families embrace, and perhaps this is one of the rare times everyone sits at the table for a shared meal, good conversation, and prayers expressing gratitude.

In my home, for many years – and I guess it has now become a new tradition, one that is quite different from what I remember growing up – I rise early to prepare the feast. Yes, my mother did much of the same things that I do. However, there is one exception in this cozy scenario. My husband works on Thanksgiving…my father did not.

I could feel saddened by this, but I don’t. Instead I choose to be thankful. My husband has a job to go to. Many do not. I still have my husband, my children, and my parents. Many do not. I had a brother who passed away 18 years ago, and while I miss him everyday, I thank God for giving me the time I did have with him.

It may be that retail stores call your loved ones away to work; be grateful that they are employed. There are many - police officers, doctors, nurses, caregivers - that will work this Thanksgiving day and night. I know that my husband is pleased to be where he can do his job of helping others.

Why not start new traditions for your family members who are not working? I have talked to my children about volunteering at a local soup kitchen. If circumstances are, that you cannot be with friends and family on Thanksgiving, then extend your family-like values to those who, without doubt, will be blessed to have you and your time this holiday.

Here are some links to Connecticut soup kitchens and food pantries:

Connecticut Soup Kitchens:,0,6948542.htmlstory

St. Vincent de Paul Place:

HSD Helping the Needy:

Remember, there are also hospitals and nursing homes where you can spend time with people that don’t have the fortune we were bestowed with. Reading, crafting, and chatting with the sick and elderly is certain to lift not only their spirits, but yours as well.

I believe this is a significant importance of giving, sharing, and selflessness that my children will benefit from now and later, if they choose, they can continue the tradition with their children.


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