Remember to Take Care of You This Season

Nurturing my inner woman does not involve makeup, manicures, cashmere, or jewels. I am quite comfortable in my own skin and do not require the pretense of outer good looks or prettiness to foster the beauty on my inside.

Dress up the tree but remember to take care of you during the holidays. And I don’t necessarily mean that you shouldn’t dress yourself up if it makes you feel good. What I mean is that while the tree looks good with the lights and ‘jewels’ of Christmas past the stresses of the season can swoop in and, like a vulture, steal the fire that burns inside your heart.

Here’s what makes my inner woman shine…

Lighting a candle
The smell of the ocean
Forks to eat pizza
Warm sunshine on my face
Driving with the top down even though I don’t have a hair brush
Crying happy tears and sad ones too
And being seen as a woman and not just a mother

My heart can sparkle like glitter as long as the light is shining on it. And how pretty is that when I choose to wear my heart on my sleeve.

And should vultures swoop in and steal my sparkle, then I’ll simply return to the thoughts that are mine…the ones I have cultivated from the seeds of experience…the thoughts that put into perspective of what works for me and remembering what thoughts leave me sightless; thus blind to what is significant.

Keep that flame burning on the inside and its warmth and glow will radiated to those around you this Christmas. But most important it will keep you cozy and feeling pampered in a way that no present given to you, no matter how pretty the package, can compare to.


  1. Darn there you go getting into my life again, how did you know that a fork with pizza makes me happy also! It's all a wonderful perspective of what matters in our hearts.
    Thank you! And I am sharing with someone who is very special to me that needs to love herself a little more this holiday season.

  2. I love this.

    Sometimes I still struggle with "the thoughts that leave me sightless to what is significant." The frustration of the day replays in my mind instead of all that I have to appreciate.

    I have a group of relaxing holiday songs that I play in the evening that helps me get back to being, to being me.



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