The Ripple Effect: Newtown, CT

I am shocked, enraged, saddened beyond my ability to express, and unable to make sense of this despicable act. Any answers to the question, “why?” will never suffice and this depressing, dark reality makes me cry.

I watch the faces of the children, as the news unfolds in a rush of chaos, and wonder if that little one knows her friend, or sibling, or teacher will not be with her tomorrow, or ever again. I cry for her and the finality of what took only moments for a madman to decide then execute.

I see her tears and I weep too…for her life that has been detoured. I pray her journey to heal will be a short one with few scars and a heart that still feels like a little girl’s should.

Tears sting the edges of my eyes and I try to hold them back. For whose sake, I don’t know, maybe for my own children’s. But then, they flow anyway for the boy who wanted to be a fireman, or a policeman when he grew up, but now will never be. Forever the age he was.

I cry for this boy’s mother who will always wonder what he would have looked like in a uniform with a shiny badge, and a smile she remembers him showing her when he made the Yankee’s T-ball team even though he loved the Red Sox ‘all his life’ (all 4 years of it).

There is a father who will not walk his beautiful daughter down the aisle because her time to fall in love will never blossom further than the tiny bud of being in love with her puppy – the one he gave to her on her sixth birthday.

My heart aches today for all that cannot be for these families and I pray that peace will find them and can fill them up enough to move forward as time goes on.

Keep these children and adults in your thoughts, pray for them if that works for you, and if there is a way to help those who are hurting then I believe our humanity will find its way.


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