Paradise and Paparazzi

I consider myself a fairly private person. I share some information publicly here on my blog; but much of my life remains secreted away within the walls of my personal sanctuary, invisible to the critical eye of others.

I generalize my thoughts and express them as they might apply to others. Even though my expressions are not stated bluntly, much of what I write is deep from within my heart, it’s what is on my mind, and it is often a struggle to keep my words from invading, not only my own space, but the space of my loved ones. I leave my husband out of my writings much of the time because he is hugely more private than I am and I wish not to over step boundaries and, through a public forum, crash in on his life. If I’m “Rhode Island”, he’s like “Texas” where, I’ve heard, “Everything is bigger.”

The date has been set, the trip planned, though we decided not to make it public and the reason is the paparazzi, of course. First, we don’t want anyone following us around. Second, we worry they may enter our home and snap photos of “the love nest” and post them on Facebook (or other nosy sites) that keep the world updated on the status of our cobwebs and messy closets. While a phone call from Better Homes and Gardens would be exciting, Hoarders calling would be a huge embarrassment. If the paparazzi are not inclined to go the social media venue perhaps simply texting the pictures to, say, my extremely private husband, might be enough of a reminder that they are still watching and a fresh coat of paint on the walls is evident – but blatant only when the photos are enlarged. These also remind my husband to overlook my domestic abilities, or lack there of, which is a smart and loving thing to do.

The trip is a much-needed vacation and an even more deserved second-honeymoon where fresh pillowcases and room service will sustain us only half as much as the strength and nurturing, shared by both of us, to dig in our heals and overcome overwhelming circumstances.

The key, and I must make note to the paparazzi - there is no ‘key’ under the doormat, to enjoying our private getaway is leaving behind the stresses (and insidious stressors) and getting a daily massage from someone named Fabio. Also key, is good food, warm breezes, moonlit-beach-skinny-dipping (did I just write that out loud?), and again leaving behind that which made this trip possible (thanks for the nudge) and, of course, the paparazzi.

I will share photos via nosy social media networks upon our return. I will also paint “the love nest” prior to departure, just in case.


  1. Hey!! How is it that I have just stumbled into your blog? Its a matter of my usual rush through the social media indulgence with a click here and a click there:) I smile because I am proud to say that I was privilaged enough to have shared that day with you both... although I may have, if I were to be truely honest, wanted to scan both your brains for damage to have WANTED to make such a life commitment... for no other reason but "love"... seriously?? But that was just the "monsters under MY bed" in those days. I now get it! I couldn't be more proud of you both... hair and all! Keep your eyes on the prize... and the prize is love, love is all, and love is enough as long as you want it to be; I promise I won't hide in the shrubs and try to capture all those wonderful moments that it does my heart good to know that you are both having. Carpe diem, xxoo. Can't wait for the pics now that I know to click:)

  2. Lori, our wedding day seems like a lifetime ago and in so many ways it was. I am often amazed at the staying power we both possess. It's been one wild ride, for sure, but I knew that going in. Most times vows are taken, "for better, for worse"...I'd like to think we did that backwards and the "better" is now in the forefront. So glad you found my work out here in the maze of the web...thank you, my friend!


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